Aurora City Partner Program

Extreme Chuangzhi broadcast, Shangda world

Top domestic B2B, B2C live & short video agency training institutions

What is the Aurora City Partner Program?

Is a live & short video company team incubation plan. It is an innovation and entrepreneurship plan launched by Jichuang Zhibo after two years of precipitation, from media industry practitioners, brand merchants, and live education and training practitioners. We hope that one-on-one, training + equipment + system + marketing strategy go hand in hand, and export our service model and professional experience to our small partners in cities across the country.

Connect Extreme: Connect the future of new media

Qingdao Jichuang Zhibo is the Pan Gong Private School (International) Institute of Soft Decoration Art. It is a new model, service and brand of soft decoration education created by Pan Gong teachers for six years. , To help Chinese softwear designers grow with more open, richer and livelier learning forms and content, in 2019, we will strongly launch courses of different levels and positioning such as “Advanced Academy, Training Academy, Advanced Academy”, etc. Designers and entrepreneurs in the field provide different learning and practical opportunities.

Four core advantages

Resource advantage

All-hand direct source supply chain manufacturers, Top domestic logistics system

Educational advantage

Online and offline courses, tiered education system, teachers, teaching and research, operational support, and continuous updates through the soft core

Professional advantage

Has more than 40 years of design management and 9 years of education service experience

Service advantage

Live broadcast and short video operations support and win-win cooperation, Create a closed-loop economy from front-end to back-end service system

Walking with the brand, you are no longer alone. This is an era of connection, the ability to connect is our ability, connect extremely creative, connect the future!

  • Low threshold
  • Risk sharing
  • Benefit sharing
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