Ministry of Industry and Information Spokesperson: Accelerate the cultivation of new types of consumption such as live cloud travel

Cover news reporter Teng Han

Wen Ku, spokesperson of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and director of the Department of Information and Communication Development, said at a press conference of the State Council Information Office on May 20 that new types of consumption, such as ultra-HD live streaming, cloud conferences and cloud tourism, which have been shown during the epidemic, will be accelerated to promote consumption upgrading.

Wen Ku, spokesperson of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Director of the Department of Information and Communication Development photograph: Dai Rui, cover journalist

Wen said that the current situation of epidemic prevention and control in China is expanding and the resumption of work and production is proceeding in a strong and orderly manner. Information and communication technologies have provided effective support and services for epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production.

First, the world’s leading network capacity has ensured a comprehensive centralized network during the epidemic prevention and resumption of work and production.
“Thanks to the moderately advanced network construction in recent years, we launched the emergency response mechanism in time during the epidemic. In the face of the sudden and comprehensive centralized use of the network, there was no extreme network congestion in some countries as reported by some news, which ensured the stable operation of all kinds of online applications.”
Wen Ku said.

Second, we will provide targeted services for epidemic prevention and control.
For example, in the construction of Vulcan and Raytheon hospitals, the network communication system covering the hospital was built simultaneously.
The operation enterprise builds tower to supplement base station in national key medical places to escort remote consultation and visit.
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) and the communications industry have reduced and reduced phone charges and donated traffic for students, teachers and medical staff in Hubei, and optimized the network performance of the online education platform, “guaranteeing the world’s largest classroom — 200 million teachers and students’ suspension of classes and stay in school.”

Third, fusion application can speed up the resumption of work and production.
For example, during the epidemic period, all kinds of INFORMATION and communication technologies and new applications characterized by not meeting each other and having little contact with each other were rapidly promoted.

Wen ku said that the next step will further promote the development of the information and communication industry.
First, we will “repair roads” and strengthen the solid foundation of the Internet.
“In particular, we will accelerate the construction of 5G and data centers and other communications infrastructure, promote the gigabit fiber network and large data centers, and build an information superhighway network featuring interconnection of everything, human-computer interaction and integration of heaven and earth.”

Second, “build good cars” to foster new engines of economic development.
“We will seize the opportunity brought by the epidemic to speed up the shift of industry gear, promote the integrated application of INFORMATION and communication technology, accelerate the expansion of 5G application from 2C to 2B, accelerate the digital transformation of traditional industries, and promote the integrated development of industrialization and informatization in a wider range, at a deeper level and at a higher level.”

Third, “transport good goods” to drive the rapid growth of information consumption.
“Building roads and sports cars is not the end goal. The end goal is to deliver goods to drive economic growth.”
Wen said, on the one hand, it will speed up the cultivation and growth of new consumption such as ultra-HD live streaming, cloud conferences and cloud tourism, which have been shown during the epidemic, to promote consumption upgrading.
On the other hand, we will continue to increase innovation in INFORMATION and communication technologies, expand emerging forms of information services, and promote the development and large-scale application of 5G mobile phones and other smart terminals to drive the sustained and rapid growth of information consumption, enhance China’s economic resilience, and support the sustainable and prosperous development of the economy and society.