Dong Mingzhu’s fast live show: 30 minutes to earn 1 year of money

May 11 news, yesterday evening, Gree Chairman Dong Mingzhu launched gree’s special live broadcast themed “Let the world fall in love with China” on Kuaofou platform.
Dong Mingzhu gave a 30-minute lecture in the studio. After 30 minutes of sales, the turnover of the three products under Gree Gree broke 100 million yuan, and the total sales of live broadcast reached 310 million yuan.
It is understood that the fast hand broadcast room of Dong Mingzhu also invited the anchor 2 donkeys that have many fans, the person such as pingrong of donkey sister-in-law, Dong Mingzhu himself introduced the product such as machine of juicer, air purifier mainly, appear time is about 30 minutes, the rest time is carried on by the person such as 2 donkeys to show and introduce.
Compared with the debut of Douyin live broadcast last month, Dong mingzhu’s performance has been greatly improved.
You know, the last live broadcast was only 220,000 turnover, and this only within half an hour exceeded 100 million yuan.
Compared with the last product, which cost tens of thousands of yuan, this time, it follows the line of being close to the people, and the relatively low price also makes the popularity of live broadcasting soar.
The 199 yuan juicer sold out as soon as it hit the shelves, and the 1949 yuan air-conditioner sales exceeded 100 million yuan.
Dong previously revealed that Gree’s online sales totaled 350 million yuan in 2019.
The livestream generated sales of 310 million yuan, equivalent to a year’s online sales.
When it comes to live streaming, Dong mingzhu said that live streaming can provide a more intuitive understanding of consumers’ demands, and she hopes to combine online and offline activities in the future to seek new ways of sales.
What do you think of that?